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PVD (thinking a new way)

Started by meriator, 12 25 June, 2021, 12:01:03 AM

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No doubt about it, PVD is still the best movie database out there ..
but some requirements, features and tables (e.g. for seasons) and table fields (
such as in the IMAGES table img_height, immg_width, img_size, caption ...,
or in the Persons table death_place, eye_color, hair_color, hair_length, body_height, citzenship, spoken_languages, primary_job, spouse, children etc ..)
last but not least, the lack of processing of HTTPS Requests

... so is there a way to change this
:P yes there is

The solution is basically simple, called a local web server that can access the database.
Then it is only a matter of programming to display or change films, (filtered) film lists, people, etc.
As well as writing suitable parsers that can be configured individually for each host.

I have been using something like this for a long time, but unfortunately this solution is so specific to my (changed) database at the moment that I cannot publish it in this way.
But hopefully soon I will find time to write a simple test version and make it available as a pre-alpha version.

There are two possible ways of parsing data and writing it to the database, whereby both methods can exist and can be used.

1.) PVD requests a website to parse (mostly now as an HTTPS request)
PVD -> Proxomitron -> local proxy of our web server -> local parser -> (formatting of the data) -> return of the parsed data

2.) directly from the local web server -> local parser -> (formatting the data) -> ((possibly) overview of the data and selection of the desired results) -> insert the results in the corresponding fields

Ok, of course this scenario has a couple of certain requirements, the so-called OVERHEAD.
we need
1. Firebird (in my case version 2.5 -> to access the database via webserver and PVD at the same time)
2. Proxomitron (with appropriate configuration)
3. an installed local web server (with the appropriate configuration) (in my case Apache 2.4)
4. We need an installed PHP version (with the appropriate configuration) (in my case still version 5.6)
5. SQLite (is available as a library part of PHP, and completely sufficient)
(6. *) MySQL (can but is not absolutely necessary) (available in my case) (v. 5.6) (regulates local user access and settings, as well as individual user votings) (but can also be implemented via SQLite)
(7.) Curl (can but is not absolutely necessary) (available in my case)
(8.) Perl (can but is not absolutely necessary) (available in my case)
(9.) ImageMagick (can but is not absolutely necessary) (in my case available v. 6.9.3 Q16 (64-bit)) (simply enables the best image results when converting or cropping images)

10. Last but not least, we need two local IPs.
One for the web server, which can therefore also be reached in the entire local network.
As well as one for the local proxy (the folder of which is located in that of the local web server.
But for functional and configuration reasons, it must be addressable separately)

I know that all this is not so easy to implement for every PVD friend, but it is a way to realize the things that are impossible at the moment, unless Nostra emerges from oblivion and finds the time and the will to PVD to raise a more contemporary level.

I am also working on converting the PVD-firebird database to SQLite and MySQL.

there are some images too

these images of this an the next to posts are related to my local webserver using the firebird database
to show a bit of what could be done
this local site is curently mainly used to view and find movies and to provide a quicklink to watch the movie from all local PCs (VLC.icon if present)
(as Guest = not logged in)
while 1000 thanks crawling after one....they may never reach...the journey is the reward


while 1000 thanks crawling after one....they may never reach...the journey is the reward


and more pics
while 1000 thanks crawling after one....they may never reach...the journey is the reward


and a view more

first image = settings and results of my local netflix-parser

second image = debug & results view of my local proxy

third image = proxy config view
while 1000 thanks crawling after one....they may never reach...the journey is the reward


Hello meriator.

This looks amazing. Is there a way we could try your work? Is it too much to ask for a step-by-step guide to set up this setup? Are you willing to upload these templates? I am an absolute programming noob, but a quick learner, willing at least to use logic in order to get this...

Thanks in advance

P.S. Thanks for keeping forum alive and yes - PVD is still by far the most superior movie database out there.


Sorry for the late answer. I have currently a lot of reallife work
beside this, I'm on the way with programing a version of this webpage proggy wich supports a common PVD-database and more langs then german
including a view parser examples

so stay tunned
while 1000 thanks crawling after one....they may never reach...the journey is the reward


Great thanks. We are still hoping PVD will survive!